Truth in Advertising...some good advice

Ad placement is key! There is no doubt about it, marketing students, study the key principals to placing ads in publications. They need to understand where they will capture the best attention of their readers. The placement and style of the ad has to give a positive and captivating feed back to the reader. The ad needs to make an impression that will cause memory recollection, thus causing a sale. However, there is also the golden rule about "truth in advertising" ads can not be misleading or a false representation of what you will receive if you use the product or service. Then last but not least, ads should have a clear and defining message.

So if you combine these key principals; placement, impression, truth and defining message, I think the following page from a local magazine publication has more "truth" in it than any other ad I have ever seen!
If I want my dream to come true I must be committed to...(Bridal)...getting off my knees!...Stop bending & Stretching ...and pay $99 a month to un-limit myself sit cross legged and knees together...
(funny that's what my mom always told me, huh)


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