Goals 2015 ... Be Better not Bigger
Goals 2015 ... Be Better not Bigger
Simplicity got to love it! Truthfully speaking why do we make goals? So we can aspire to better things and improve our current circumstance. I notice I didn't say bigger and better. My reasoning is because often times bigger is not always better.

For example if your in a large home and there are only one or two of you. The expenses to maintain it is costing you a fortune, moving to a smaller more affordable and sometimes even more luxurious can be a whole lot better. A personal tough spot is body weight... in my case :( bigger is definitely not better. Another thing that I am considering is that a smaller car would be better. I have a large SUV a Toyota 4Runner I am realizing that the 2 times a year I drive up to go ski in Tahoe is not really the best use or reason for me driving it the remaining 360 days of the year. Unfortunately the downsizing will have to wait until August 2016 (lease). (FYI if you know how to get out of a lease or if anyone wants to BUY my 2013 Limited send me a comment). FYI I used to have a Hummer so I am not dissing SUV's I LOVE them just not as practical is all.

What else is better smaller .... shorter work days would definitely be a better, I think in almost everyone's book. Smaller bills, smaller to do lists... okay this list could just go on but here is my Bigger List for 2015 and My Smaller List for 2105 how does it compare to yours?
BIGGER in 2015 SMALLER 2015
Client Budgets Client Debits
"A" Client Database "B" Client Database
Commissions Expenses
Listings Competition
Vacations Work Hours
Family Time Task Time
Assets Liabilities
Savings Spending
In a nutshell if I can do this for 2015 I think I will call it a very successful year! Be safe everyone and be happy!
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