Are you a Reader?
Right now, I'm working on a promo video that will give clients a small glimpse of who I am and what I do as a Realtor. I went to a seminar once were the speaker asked the audience, if they like to read more or watch something. The interesting thing is we associate reading with intelligence so we tend to say we read or we like to read, but if fact the majority are more visual. Don't believe me than think of it this way... Jurassic Park...did you read the book or watch the movie???
Now I admit that's not a 100% proof that a person is visual or not, but it's something to think about. Will people read the bio about me on my website (...shameless plug) or will they rather, watch the short video??
Well we will see. The promo video isn't up yet final editing will be done by the end of December 2014. Personally, I think videos are great, if they are done correctly they can be educational, informative and entertaining. I'll comment when the video is done and up so you see it for yourself, till then I have my Iphone bad lighting, and poor sound clip on there, but just wait!! :)
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